Monday, May 11, 2009

Health and Clutter - Are They Related?

Health and Clutter – Are they related?
The answer is Absolutely! You know how it feels when you look at the room and see the clutter day after day after day. STRESS!!! It is a known fact that Clutter leads to stress which leads to Health issues and concerns. Therefore, it is relatively safe to say that Clutter greatly affects your health. Stress is directly related to heart attacks, high blood pressure, muscle disorders and headaches just to name a few medical concerns. We’d like to share just a few tips that you can use on a daily basis to help begin the process of reducing your clutter and stress to improve your health.
First – Our steadfast home rule is that if something can be completed with just a few minutes (2-3) then DO IT NOW! An example is putting the dishes into the dishwasher or wiping off the counter, immediately taking out the trash when it is full, putting items back into the refrigerator when you are done with them, . Take just a few minutes to do it while you are right there at that time and in that moment. You WON’T regret it.
Second – Don’t use the floor as the drop point for anything!! You can avoid an extra step by putting everything in its place Instead of the floor – that is what you bought those dressers for, right? Your hips will eventually get tired of bending over and picking it up! Save a step…just put it away immediately.
Third – Do a clean sweep of your living space prior to going to bed. Make sure that the sink is clean and empty, dishes are put away, clothes are put away and anything else that you will immediately have to look at first thing in the morning that will cause you stress. It is very relaxing and begins your day the “right way” when you don't have to look at “yesterday’s” mess first thing in the morning.
These are just a few things that you can do on a daily basis to ease your stress and ultimately improve your health. The old saying…when mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy, well I promise you that if you follow these three simple steps you will be happier and healthier. The key is consistency! Keep it up. I know that you can do it.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Very well written. I will becoming back often to check out your posts. Thank you for your simple and effective ways to help de-stress and the health benefits of doing these simple things.
    Justina Fink
